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Steph Armijo
Nov 11, 20172 min read
5 Reasons Why Athletes Should Meditate
1. It helps athletes focus. Your focus will determine if you win or lose a game. Meditation has been shown to increase states of focus...

Steph Armijo
Nov 8, 20172 min read
5 Reasons Why Athletes Should Incorporate Self-Myofascial Release In Their Training
Using self-myofascial release with yoga therapy ball provides comprehensive integrative strategies to restore optimal performance. This...

Steph Armijo
Nov 5, 20171 min read
To-Go Energy Snack
Fueling for yoga class used to be a struggle for me. You have to eat at the right time, nothing too heavy, but enough to give you the...

Steph Armijo
Nov 5, 20171 min read
Turmeric Lemonade - A Spicy Good-For-You Drink
Last summer, I was introduced to turmeric lemonade by my good friend, Bree. Since then, I’ve been drinking it regularly and I’ve also...

Steph Armijo
Nov 5, 20172 min read
5 Tips for Waking Up Early
My alarm goes off at 4:00am every morning (except on Fridays when I can sleep in until 5:30a). Anyone that knows me might be smirking...

Steph Armijo
Nov 5, 20171 min read
Athletes: Strengthen Your Hips
Research suggests strengthening muscles through their full range will result in flexibility gains faster than passive stretching alone....

Steph Armijo
Nov 5, 20171 min read
My Yoga Pose Doesn't Look Like Hers...
Yoga is so much more than just a physical practice. It is an opportunity to tap into a mind-body connection that can help to restore your...

Steph Armijo
Nov 5, 20171 min read
Pre-Yoga Smoothie
This smoothie has been my go-to breakfast every day. It's an easy way to add supplements/nutrients that work for me. 1 scoop chocolate...

Steph Armijo
Nov 5, 20171 min read
Athletes: Breathing & Oblique Injuries
Core function research shows: when there is a respiratory demand increase, the respiratory muscles will decrease postural control for the...

Steph Armijo
Nov 5, 20171 min read
Athletes: Hip Rotation & Shoulder Problems
In baseball, research has shown that at ball release, the lack of internal rotation at the hip *can* cause a compensatory pattern at the...
Steph Armijo
Nov 5, 20171 min read
AUDIO: Guided Relaxation (Yoga Nidra)
Yoga Nidra is a systematic guided relaxation to help calm the nervous system. Yoga nidra promotes deep rest and relaxation combining...
Steph Armijo
Nov 5, 20171 min read
AUDIO: 10-Minute Warm-Up
Try this 10 minute warm-up to gently stretch low back, hamstrings, quads, hip flexors, hips, & hamstrings!

Steph Armijo
Nov 5, 20171 min read
VIDEO: Seated Warm-Up
Try this quick seated warm-up for shoulders and spine.

Steph Armijo
Nov 5, 20172 min read
Staying Hydrated in a Hot Yoga Room
Recently one of my students (also a yoga instructor) asked how I am able to keep my voice teaching so many classes each week. The...

Steph Armijo
Nov 5, 20171 min read
What is missing for Hamstring Flexibility
Hamstring Strengthening Exercise Typically in yoga, we do more hamstring stretching – and not much hamstring strengthening. If we do too...

Steph Armijo
Nov 5, 20171 min read
For Athletes: A Little TLC For Hands/Wrists
There is so much we take for granted with our bodies on a daily basis. For professional athletes, the ability to move their hands/wrists...

Steph Armijo
Nov 5, 20173 min read
What's Yoga All About?
What’s yoga all about? First of all, there are many different types of yoga. Slow, relaxing classes; power yoga classes; alignment based...

Steph Armijo
Nov 5, 20173 min read
Why I Love Yoga - Reality Check from an NBA Head Coach
Last year I was asked to speak at career day at an elementary school. My initial thoughts? Why would they want me? I just wear yoga pants...

Steph Armijo
Nov 5, 20172 min read
5 Poses to Relieve Back Pain
We all have experienced back pain. It comes, it goes. Sometimes from sitting too long, sometimes from moving too much. We need to take...

Steph Armijo
Nov 4, 20172 min read
Child's Pose for Athletes - Try these Tips
Using Yoga Props in Child’s Pose Child’s pose is known in yoga as a resting pose. It may not seem like it at first if you have tight hips...
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